Is Boerewors Healthy?

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sweet chilliBoerewors is a traditional South African sausage made from beef, lamb, and spices. It's a popular food item in many households and restaurants in South Africa and has also gained some popularity in other countries. However, there has been a lot of debate surrounding the health benefits or risks of consuming boerewors. In this blog post, we'll dive into the nutritional value of boerewors and analyze whether it's a healthy food option.

What is Boerewors?

Boerewors is a type of sausage that originated in South Africa. The name "boerewors" is derived from the Afrikaans words "boer" meaning farmer, and "wors" meaning sausage. It's made from a mixture of beef, lamb, or turkey, and the meat is combined with coriander, nutmeg, and cloves. The sausage is usually sold in a coil shape and can be cooked in various ways, including grilling, frying, or baking.

Nutritional Value of Boerewors

To determine whether boerewors is healthy, it's essential to examine its nutritional value. Here's a breakdown of the nutritional content of 100 grams of boerewors:
  • Calories: 290
  • Protein: 14g
  • Fat: 25g
  • Carbohydrates: 2g
  • Sodium: 790mg
From the nutritional breakdown above, it's clear that Boerewors is high in calories and fat, which can cause concern for those who are watching their weight or have heart health issues. However, it's important to note that boerewors is also a good protein source, an essential nutrient for building and repairing muscle tissue.

Is Boerewors Healthy?

healthyThe question of whether boerewors is healthy or not is a complicated one. On the one hand, boerewors is high in calories and fat, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues if consumed in large quantities. On the other hand, boerewors is also a good source of protein and can be a healthy addition to a balanced diet if consumed in moderation.
Let's look at the potential health benefits and risks of consuming boerewors.

Potential Health Benefits of Boerewors

Protein Source

Boerewors is a good protein source for building and repairing muscle tissue. Protein is also vital for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Consuming protein-rich foods like boerewors can help keep you full and satisfied for longer, aiding in weight loss and management.

Iron and Zinc

Boerewors contains iron and zinc, two essential minerals that play a crucial role in maintaining good health. Iron is essential for producing red blood cells, while zinc is vital for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Vitamin B12

Boerewors is a good source of vitamin B12, which is essential for maintaining healthy nerve cells and DNA synthesis. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to anemia and other health issues.

Potential Health Risks of Boerewors

High in Calories and Fat

As previously mentioned, boerewors is high in calories and fat, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues if consumed in large quantities. Consuming boerewors in moderation is essential; pair it with healthy sides and vegetables.

Sodium Content

Boerewors is high in sodium, leading to high blood pressure and other health issues if consumed excessively. It's essential to watch your sodium intake and consume boerewors in moderation.

Preservatives and Additives

Boerewors often contains preservatives and additives to extend its shelf life and enhance its flavor. Some of these additives, such as sodium nitrite, can harm your health, linked to increased cancer risk.

Processed Meat

Boerewors falls under processed meat, which is linked to increased cancer risk and other health issues. Processed meats are often high in sodium and additives, which can harm your health if consumed excessively.

Is It Possible to Make Boerewors Healthier?

If you're a fan of boerewors and want to incorporate it into your diet, there are ways to make it healthier. Here are a few tips:

Choose Leaner Cuts of Meat

One way to reduce the calorie and fat content of boerewors is to choose leaner cuts of meat. You could use lean beef, lamb, or turkey mince, which will lower the fat content of the sausage.

Avoid Preservatives and Additives

Try to choose boerewors that is free from preservatives and additives. This may mean purchasing it from a specialty butcher or making your sausage at home.

Use Healthier Cooking Methods

Boerewors can be cooked in various ways, but some methods are healthier than others. Grilling or baking boerewors is a healthier option than frying, as it reduces the amount of added fat.

Pair with Healthy Sides

Instead of pairing boerewors with chips or other unhealthy sides, try pairing it with vegetables or a salad. This will increase your meal's nutrient content and help balance the sausage's high calorie and fat content.

Is Boerewors Good for Diabetics?

diabetesThe question of whether boerewors is suitable for diabetics is a complicated one. On the one hand, boerewors is a good protein source, an essential nutrient for building and repairing muscle tissue. Protein also helps keep you full and satisfied for longer, aiding in weight management, a key factor for people with diabetes. On the other hand, boerewors is high in fat and sodium, which can be harmful to those with diabetes if consumed in excess.
Let's look at the potential benefits and risks of consuming boerewors for people with diabetes.

Potential Benefits of Boerewors for Diabetics

Protein Source

As mentioned earlier, boerewors is a good source of protein, which can be beneficial for people with diabetes. Protein can help regulate blood sugar levels by slowing glucose absorption into the bloodstream.


Boerewors can help keep you full and satisfied for longer, which can help reduce the risk of overeating and weight gain. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for people with diabetes as it can help improve blood sugar control.

Potential Risks of Boerewors for Diabetics

High in Calories and Fat

Boerewors is high in calories and fat, which can concern people with diabetes. Consuming too many calories and too much fat can lead to weight gain, making it challenging to manage blood sugar levels.

Sodium Content

Boerewors is also high in sodium, which can concern people with diabetes. Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease and other health issues.

Carbohydrate Content

While boerewors is low in carbohydrates, it's important to note that the type of carbohydrates consumed is also essential for people with diabetes. Carbohydrates high in fiber, such as vegetables and whole grains, are better for managing blood sugar levels than those high in sugar and processed.

The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Diabetics

balanced diet for diabeticsFor people with diabetes, it's essential to follow a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients. This can help improve blood sugar control, reduce the risk of complications, and improve overall health. A balanced diet for diabetics should include the following:
  • Lean protein sources, such as chicken, fish, beans, and lentils
  • Non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and carrots
  • Whole grains, such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread
  • Healthy fats, such as avocado, nuts, and olive oil
  • Limited amounts of sugar, salt, and processed foods
By following a balanced diet, people with diabetes can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of complications.

The Role of Protein in Managing Blood Sugar Levels

Protein can be a beneficial nutrient for people with diabetes, as it can help regulate blood sugar levels. Protein is broken down into amino acids used to build and repair muscle tissue when consumed. Unlike carbohydrates, protein does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which can make it a good food choice for people with diabetes.
In addition to regulating blood sugar levels, protein can help reduce hunger and cravings, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. This is important for people with diabetes, as excess weight can make it more challenging to manage blood sugar levels.

Tips for Managing Blood Sugar Levels When Eating Boerewors

sausage with vgetablesIf you decide to eat boerewors as part of your diet, there are some tips you can follow to help manage your blood sugar levels:
  • Monitor Portion Sizes: As mentioned earlier, limiting portion sizes can help reduce the number of calories and fat consumed. This can make it easier to manage blood sugar levels.
  • Pair with Vegetables: Pairing boerewors with non-starchy vegetables can help increase the nutrient content of your meal and balance out the high calorie and fat content of the sausage.
  • Choose Leaner Cuts of Meat: As previously mentioned, choosing leaner cuts of meat can help reduce the fat content of the sausage.
  • Avoid Preservatives and Additives: Preservatives and additives can be high in sodium, harming people with diabetes. Choosing boerewors free from these additives can help reduce the amount of sodium consumed.
In conclusion, boerewors can be a suitable food option for people with diabetes if consumed in moderation and with a few modifications. While it's high in calories, fat, and sodium, it's also a good source of protein, which can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels. By following a balanced diet that includes lean protein sources, non-starchy vegetables, and healthy fats, people with diabetes can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of complications. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine the best dietary choices for your individual needs.
So, what are you waiting for? Gastronomic Living offers authentic South African boerewors that give you all the necessary health benefits. Contact us now!